- Adult getaway
- Autumn in Cannon Beach
- Bucket List
- Corona Virus
- Events in Cannon Beach
- Events in Seaside
- Fall in Cannon Beach and Seaside
- Family Friendly
- Guest satisfaction
- Indoor activities
- Outdoor Adventure
- Spring
- Spring Events
- Spring in Cannon Beach
- Summer Bucket List
- Summer events
- Summer in Cannon Beach
- Summer on the north
- Virus Update
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Autumn in Cannon Beach
Summer is technically still here for a few more weeks, but it’s time to start planning
ahead. Plan ahead for kid’s days off from school, upcoming events
and some time to treat yourself.
Why come in the fall?
- There will be many beautiful days in the fall, not just in the Summer
- It’s less crowded in town and at the beach
- The rates are lower
What should you do when you come?
- Didn’t get your fill of s’mores or bonfires? You can still get some in!
- Borrow the bikes to cruise through town.
- Visit some local art galleries
- Stop in to some local coffee shops and bakeries and enjoy some crisp mornings in town.
- If it is a cool day, enjoy a jetted tub and or fireplace indoors!
Upcoming Events this Fall:
September 13th-15th: 21st Annual Cannon Beach Cottage Tour. Experience the quaint town like
you’ve never seen it before. Doors to historic cottages and beach homes are open to tour, and an
auction and evening of music and food will be held at the Cannon beach museum.
September 20th-22nd: Earth and Ocean Arts Festival. This festival will showcase the wonders of
the natural world and the stewardship we have to it. Experience a range of gallery exhibits, walk
a labyrinth on the beach, and more.
November 1st-3rd: 36th Stormy Arts Fest is a fun weekend dedicated to the local galleries. There
is plenty to do this weekend; walk through town and visit participating gallery receptions, find
artists doing demonstrations, enjoy musical performances, and more.
Next King Tide Date: November 15th-17th
- Adult getaway
- Autumn in Cannon Beach
- Bucket List
- Corona Virus
- Events in Cannon Beach
- Events in Seaside
- Fall in Cannon Beach and Seaside
- Family Friendly
- Guest satisfaction
- Indoor activities
- Outdoor Adventure
- Spring
- Spring Events
- Spring in Cannon Beach
- Summer Bucket List
- Summer events
- Summer in Cannon Beach
- Summer on the north
- Virus Update
- Show All